Why people get into extra marital affairs ?

extra marital affairs: Extramarital affairs have long been a topic of controversy and debate. While some argue that these relationships can bring excitement and fulfillment, it is crucial to acknowledge the potentially devastating consequences they can have on individuals, families, and relationships as a whole. In this blog, we will explore the effects of extramarital affairs and delve into why they are generally considered detrimental.

1. Betrayal and Broken Trust:

One of the most significant negative impacts of extramarital affairs is the betrayal and broken trust they entail. When a partner engages in an affair, it violates the commitment and mutual trust established within the marriage. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and once it is shattered, rebuilding it becomes a daunting task.

2. Emotional Distress:

Extramarital affairs often cause emotional distress for all parties involved. The betrayed spouse experiences a range of negative emotions, including anger, sadness, and betrayal. The unfaithful partner may also feel guilt, remorse, and emotional turmoil. The emotional toll can lead to long-term psychological consequences such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

3. Damage to the Marital Bond:

An extramarital affair can inflict severe damage to the marital bond. The betrayed partner may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and question their self-worth, leading to a diminished sense of connection with their spouse. The unfaithful partner may become emotionally detached from the marriage, diverting attention and affection towards the affair partner. The result is a weakened marital bond that can be challenging to repair.

4. Impact on Children and Family:

Extramarital affairs have far-reaching effects on the entire family, especially if children are involved. Children may witness increased tension and conflict between their parents, leading to emotional distress and instability. The breakdown of trust and communication within the marriage can also impact parenting dynamics, potentially affecting the overall well-being of the children involved.

5. Legal and Financial Ramifications:

In addition to the emotional consequences, extramarital affairs can also have legal and financial ramifications. Divorce proceedings, alimony, child custody battles, and the division of assets can be complex and costly. Moreover, engaging in an affair can impact one’s professional reputation, potentially leading to job loss or damage to one’s career.


Why people get into extra marital affairs ?

People may get into extramarital affairs for various reasons, though it is important to note that engaging in such relationships is generally considered detrimental to committed partnerships. Here are some common reasons why individuals may choose to have extramarital affairs:

1. Emotional dissatisfaction: People may feel emotionally unsatisfied or neglected in their current relationship. They may seek emotional support, understanding, or validation from someone outside their marriage.

2. Sexual dissatisfaction: A lack of sexual satisfaction or compatibility within a marriage can lead individuals to seek physical intimacy outside of their relationship.

3. Thrill and novelty: Some individuals may crave excitement, variety, and new experiences. They may engage in extramarital affairs to escape the routine and monotony of their current relationship.

4. Emotional connection with someone else: People may develop a deep emotional connection with someone outside their marriage, leading them to seek a romantic or intimate relationship with that person.

5. Low self-esteem or validation: Individuals with low self-esteem or a need for validation may seek affirmation and attention from others, often through extramarital affairs.

6. Opportunity and convenience: Certain situations, such as proximity to someone attractive or frequent interactions due to work or social circles, can present opportunities for affairs to develop.

7. Relationship dissatisfaction or conflict: Relationship problems, such as constant conflict, lack of communication, or unresolved issues, can push individuals towards seeking solace or satisfaction outside their marriage.

8. Curiosity or personal exploration: Some people may engage in extramarital affairs out of curiosity or a desire to explore their own sexuality or personal desires.


While some may argue that extramarital affairs can bring temporary excitement or a renewed sense of self, the negative consequences far outweigh any perceived benefits. Betrayal, broken trust, emotional distress, damage to the marital bond, and the impact on children and family are among the numerous detrimental effects that can result from engaging in extramarital affairs. It is vital to prioritize open communication, seek professional help when needed, and work towards building a strong and healthy relationship within the boundaries of a committed partnership.

It is essential to emphasize that while these reasons shed light on the motivations behind extramarital affairs, they do not justify or excuse the actions. Maintaining open communication, addressing relationship issues, seeking professional help, and committing to the well-being of the primary relationship are healthier alternatives to address these underlying needs and challenges.